Tuesday, August 21, 2012

some scenes from late summer

there have been more days spent at the pool
-learning to dive
and just hanging out
and playing pinball
there was also a visit to 
the american swedish institute
for some tapestry viewing
we took a photo of ourselves there
on the stairs in the mansion 
and hung out on the roof top
this was during a trip to como zoo
and another day at the walker.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

family reunion

on saturday we went to a family reunion 
in west-central minnesota
almost 200 miles from st. paul
it was at a mink ranch
that belongs to some of my relatives
-after touring the ranch and seeing the minks
penelope came out and said-
look, i still have fingers! the minks didn't bite them off.
there was an indoor pool-
but it was empty.
not happy about this.
after a tour of the house
my dad's cousin showed us
some choke cherry wine
she made in the 1970's-
i tried it.
penelope found a giant slide
and went on a golf-cart ride with her cousins